Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 is the transposition of the United Nations Globally Harmonised System (GHS) into EU legislation and regulates the classification, labelling and packaging (CLP) of hazardous substances and mixtures. The EU has not adopted the full GHS system, but nonetheless has drafted additional provisions.
Legally binding
CLP is legally binding in all member states and directly applicable to all industries. Every manufacturer, importer or downstream user is obliged to correctly classify, label and package products before placing them on the market.
Communication on the hazards
Once the hazards of a substance or mixture are identified, they must be communicated to all actors in the supply chain (including consumers) by means of a label and safety data sheet (SDS). In addition, CLP sets general packaging standards to ensure the safe supply of hazardous substances and mixtures.
CLP distinguishes between pure substances, mixtures, aerosols, biocides and plant protection products.
Our CLP services include:
submitting mandatory information on the classification and labelling of a substance for inclusion in the European Chemicals Agency's (ECHA) classification and labelling (C&L) inventory
submitting a proposal for harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) of a substance
requesting alternative chemical names
screening existing SDSs, correcting them and, if necessary, translating them into other languages
drafting new SDSs, also in several languages
determining the correct content and dimensions of a label - BIG elaborates the entire label in Word, in one or more languages
PCN (Poison Centre Notification)
provide electronic set of H-, EUH- and P-statements in the required languages carry out an audit of your CLP-related activities together with your prevention adviser and/or environmental coordinator
provide practical tailor-made training for both advanced and beginners
BIG can help you with every step and aspect of CLP, taking into account both EU legislation and the specific legislation of each member state.
CLP distinguishes between pure substances, mixtures, aerosols, biocides and plant protection products.
Detergents: Regulation (EC) No 648/2004
Closely related to CLP is Regulation (EC) No 648/2004, which defines specific requirements for detergents (cleaning products). BIG can prepare the appropriate label for your detergents, as well as the required datasheet for medical personnel and the list of ingredients intended for publication.